Hello there!
Well, our Anniversary Sale last week sure was a success!! I would like to Thank Everyone that joined in the
festivities! It was amazing to see how many people we serve in the community! We sure do live in a great place here in Appleton. I would also like to congratulate all of the winners of the contests. If you won, you should have received a phone call. The top winner was Dave Krogman...him and his wife won a "date" with my wife and I and I'm actually going to let him pick the bill up! :) (I bet you didn't know that was the top prize, did you?)
Anyway, the sales must go on...and this week we have Beef Tenderloin, Walleye Pike, Cole Slaw, Marinated Chicken Breasts and our Blood Sausage (Plain or Sweet with brown sugar and raisins) is back for the season. Also this week we have our Boneless Pork Loin Roasts on sale for just $2.99lb. The nice thing about shopping here is you get exactly the size you want (or more) and don't have to pick through a whole assortment of roasts.
A couple of young boys were fishing at their special pond off the beaten track. All of a sudden, the Game Warden jumped out of the bushes. Immediately, one of the boys threw his rod down and started running through the woods like a bat out of hell. The Game Warden was hot on his trail. After about a half mile, the young man stopped and put his hands on his hips to catch his breath, so the Game Warden finally caught up to him. "Let's see yer fishin' license, Boy!" the Warden gasped.
With that, the boy pulled out his wallet and gave the Game Warden a valid fishing license. "Well, son," said the Game Warden. "You must be about as dumb as a box of rocks! You don't have to run from me if you have a valid license!"
"Yes, sir," replied the young guy. "But my friend back there, well, he don't have one."