Hello Everyone!
We are still having weekly specials here at Jacobs Meat Market! This week we are featuring Fresh Chicken
Tenders, Pork Steaks, USDA Choice Boneless Chuck Roasts and our famous Jacobs own Smoked Braunschweiger! We are also closing out our Frozen Shrimp and Salmon from Lent. Come on in while supplies last!
A man had a ticket for the theater but when he was seated by the usher,he found that he was just too far from the stage.
He whispered to the usher, "This is a mystery play and I have to watch a mystery close up.Get me a better seat, and I'll give you a great tip."
The usher discreetly moves him up to the second row and the man hands the usher a crisp $1.00 bill.
The usher looks at the dollar, frowns at him,then leans over and whispers . . . "The butler did it."