Hello Everyone!
Well, it's not our Anniversary Sale anymore, but we still have some great deals this week including, but not
limited to:Fresh, Meaty Baby Back Ribs, Pork Steaks, Walleye Pike, Beef Stew Meat and our Brats of the Week: Mushroom & Swiss (one of my favorites), and Chicken Fajita Brats. I'd like to talk about our Braunschweiger that we make right here. We have been very well-known for our sausages, and people are always impressed with our Braunschweiger. They can taste the difference of ours vs. other brands and know why we have had the same German recipe for over 60 years! We use only quality ingredients and don't cut corners to make sure we provide you with the best tasting sausage that money can buy!
Three salesmen, an American, a German and an Irishman involved in a serious price fixing scam in South America are sentenced to death and brought to face their fate. The executioner says to the American salesman, "You have a choice: You may die either by lethal injection or electric chair." He chooses lethal injection. The injection is administered and he dies. The German salesman is offered the same choice. He selects electric chair. The executioner pulls the switch, but nothing happens. He tries again. Again nothing happens. "Well," the executioner says, "according to our laws, you made your choice and the punishment was administered, so we are done. You can go free." He goes free. Then the executioner asks the Irish salesman the same question: Lethal injection or electric chair? "I think lethal injection," he says. "The electric chair is obviously broken."
Just wanted to take a moment, also, to Thank You for your business! It was a really humbling experience having all of the customers come to us and say how much they appreciated this store whether it has been for a couple of months, or Many Many years! There are so many people that rely on us to provide them with the Freshest cuts of Meats and Best Jacobs own Sausages, and we deliver!
Thank you so much again, from the Jacobs Family!