Hello Everyone!
Well, this week brings high temps and cool deals! From T-bones and Porterhouse Steaks and Pork Steaks
to Frozen Walleye Pike and Jacobs own Ham Salad and Ring Bologna (plain or garlic) to our Brats of the Week (Mushroom & Swiss and Sauerkraut). I would like to feature our Whole, 3# average, Grade "A" Chickens. These Chickens we get out of Kaukauna and come in Fresh every week! We have had the same source for our fresh Chickens for as long as I can remember! They're Hormone-free and All Natural. For an extra $.30 per pound, we can cut that up for you any way you'd like it.
One day the Library was lonely with no one in it for the librarian to help. These two chickens came through the door screeching "bouk bouk." The librarian quickly got up and gave them each 5 books. The two chickens left satisfied.
Just a few minutes later the same two chickens come through the door with no books screeching "bouk bouk." The librarian once again jumps up and gives each chicken 15 books this time. The chickens leave satisfied once again.
Then again for the third time the chicken return screeching "bouk bouk" But this rime being suspicious the librarian gives each chicken only one book because they have still have not returned the other books. As the chickens leave the librarian slowly follows behind to see where all the books are going. The chickens come to a stop and start throwing the books into a pond where some frogs grab the books and throw them behind their back croaking "red-it red-it"