Specials good 12/26-12/31/2012 or while supplies last!

Hello Everyone!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We have some specials this week pertaining to the season at-
hand.  We have Fresh Gulf Shrimp coming in Thursday as well as Cold Water Maine Lobster Tails, King Crab Legs, Dry Sea Scallops and Frozen Shrimp.  We are also carrying Prime Ribs for your New Year's celebration...Bone-in and Boneless!  Also, not in this ad, we have our FRESH Atlantic Salmon from Norway that has become so popular (coming in Thursday afternoon)!

Our Store Hours are as follows:
December 26         Noon-6pm
December 27-29   8am-6pm
December 30         CLOSED
December 31         8am-5pm
January 1               CLOSED
January 2               Noon-6pm
January 3-5           8am-6pm

I just want to take this opportunity to Thank you for your business this past year, the years before that, but thank you for the opportunity to be Your meat market!  It's an honor to serve such great customers that actually care about the place that they do business at!  There are a lot of different places you can go to, but choose to come to our store, and that makes all of us happy!
I hope you have a Happy and Healthy 2013!

A businessman had arranged an important formal dinner party at his home on New Year’s Eve and planned to serve his guests’ favourite food, steak, as the main course.
While the guests were eating their appetizers, the cook came to the host and whispered, “Please come urgently to the kitchen.”
The host went to the kitchen where the cook explained that while he had stepped out for a quick cigarette, the host’s dog had climbed up on the table and eaten a few chunks out of some steaks. The host said, “Just fill the holes with some meat and turn the other sides up–nobody will notice.”
The steaks were served and when they were nearly finished eating, the host was again summoned to the kitchen. The cook, looking quite upset, told the host that the dog had died.
The host frantically rushed back to the dinner party and apologized fervently before announcing, “Something was wrong with the steak and everyone must go to the hospital.”
The guests all headed there, got checked out, and returned to the house. The host then went and asked the cook, “Where is the dog?”
“Oh,” said the chef, “The dog is still down by the road where the car hit it.”