Hello Everyone!
It's Bratwurst Extravaganza 2012! A perfect time for you to try our flavored brats out. We've been selling
flavored brats for only a short time, but a lot of people really like the variety! Instead of the same old brats, you can spice it up with a Jalapeno Cheddar Brat, or a Philly Cheese Brat. Or, if you're lazy, or don't want to save some time and don't want to put much for toppings on, you could go with the Sauerkraut Brat, or the Chili Cheese Brat or the Beer Brat! There's really no way to go wrong in this instance. The only thing I can see going wrong is burning the brats! :)
So there was a plane going from New York to Munich, Germany when there was a loud thump. The Pilot got on the speaker and said, "Well, I'm sure all of you heard us lose our 4 engines. We're going to have to make a belly landing on the ocean, so I'm going to need all of you who can swim on the left side of the plane, and all of those who can't swim on the right side."
After all of the shuffling, they were all situated.
The pilot lands on the ocean safely and gets on the speaker again and says, "For all of you who are on the left side of the plane, you may proceed out the emergency exits and swim to shore, for all of you who are on the right side, Thank you for flying United!"