Hello there,
Well, it's cooling down a bit and it's "bearable" to stand by the grill again. We have some great specials this
week to help you get out there like you used to during the summer. We have a couple different "Flavored" brats (Beer and Jalapeno Cheddar) on sale. We also have our Smoked Pork Chops as well...they're great for those who cook all the time as well as for those people who don't cook too often and want to make a gourmet meal...all you do is warm them through as they're fully-cooked. Dave's recipe is just to brown them on one side, then sprinkle brown sugar on top after flipping them over, and wait until the brown sugar is melted, then take them off! A great, and easy recipe! This week we also have Spare Ribs, Chicken Tenders and Baby Beef Liver as well. Check the rest of the specials out as there might be more you'd like!
A mother was taking up weenies off the grill for her sons, AJ, 5, and Jeremy, 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first weenie. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. "If Jesus were sitting here, He would say 'Let my brother have the first grilled weenie, I can wait'". The two brothers looked at each other......then AJ turned to his younger brother & said,
"Jeremy, you be Jesus!"