Hello Everyone!
This week we have great deals on great items! We have USDA Choice Boneless Chuck Roasts, Lean &
Meaty Pork Steak (Regular or Thick-cut), Jacobs own Breakfast Links, Jacobs own Braunschweiger and Italian Marinated Boneless Chicken Breasts. We also have All Natural Pork Tenderloins at just $4.69lb. They're a great item to have in the freezer for those nights that you need something a little different than the "norm." The Brats of the Week are Jacobs own Hawaiian Brats and Jacobs own Fresh Chorizo (both $4.19lb).
A woman was watching her husband as he stood there on the bathroom scale. She watched as he sucked his stomach in.
She couldn't resist, so she said, "Sucking your stomach in isn't going to make you weigh less."
He said, "I'm not trying to weigh less, I'm just trying to see the numbers."