Hello Everyone!
With all of this up and down weather...it's hard to know what to put on sale and try and please everyone!
We have Boneless Chuck Roasts for those who want to put something in the crock pot, but we also have Boneless Ribeye Steaks on sale as well for those who want to keep the grill out and save! For those of you who don't know what you want to do until the "day of" we have Cordon Bleu (Ham & Swiss Cheese with Bacon around it) Stuffed Chicken Breasts and Baby Back Ribs so you can do either bake or grill it. Also on special this week we have Sausages...Ring Blood Sausage, Summer Sausage (we're still hanging on :)) and 2 types of flavored Brats.
Well, it seems that a priest, a nurse, and an engineer were golfing. It was a gorgeous day, but they could see storm clouds rolling in. The group in front of them was hitting balls all over the fairway and holding everyone up.
In frustration, they hailed down the greens keeper to explain their growing impatience.
The greens keeper explained that the group ahead of them was comprised of all blind people. As part of the golf course's goal of promoting equality and charity, the blind foursome was allowed to play for free once a week.
Feeling a bit chagrinned, the priest apologized and said he would pray for the return of their vision.
The nurse, also mollified by her impatience, vowed she would investigate new research to return vision to the blind.
The engineer asked: 'Why don't they play at night'?
GOOD LUCK to all the runners this week in the Fox Cities Marathon!!